Tucker Carlson 的儿子 Buckley Carlson 加入 JD Vance 的新闻办公室,担任副新闻秘书。 Buckley Carlson, son of Tucker Carlson, joins JD Vance’s press office as deputy press secretary.
保守派媒体人塔克·卡尔森 (Tucker Carlson) 的儿子巴克利·卡尔森 (Buckley Carlson) 将加入副总统 JD 万斯 (JD Vance) 的新闻办公室,担任副新闻秘书。 Buckley Carlson, son of conservative media personality Tucker Carlson, is joining Vice President JD Vance's press office as deputy press secretary. 自 2019 年以来,卡尔森一直在国会山担任助手,最近担任共和党众议员吉姆·班克斯 (Jim Banks) 的副幕僚长。 Since 2019, Carlson has worked as an aide on Capitol Hill, most recently as deputy chief of staff to Republican Rep. Jim Banks. 万斯还聘请了其他几名前雇员担任高级职务,包括担任幕僚长的雅各布·雷塞斯 (Jacob Reses) 和担任总法律顾问的肖恩·库克西 (Sean Cooksey)。 Vance has also hired several other former employees for senior roles in his staff, including Jacob Reses as chief of staff and Sean Cooksey as general counsel.