阿肯色州警方的行动以人口贩运为目标,逮捕4人,援助16名受害者。 Arkansas police operation targets human trafficking, arresting four and aiding 16 victims.
阿肯色州执法部门在全州范围开展了一项名为“隐蔽视野行动”的行动,目标是非法按摩店的人口贩运。 Arkansas law enforcement conducted a statewide operation called "Operation Obscured Vision," targeting human trafficking in illicit massage parlors. 这次行动导致逮捕了4人,其中多数为中国国民,并查明了17名潜在受害者,其中16人得到了援助。 The operation led to the arrest of four individuals, mostly Chinese nationals, and identified 17 potential victims, with aid provided to 16 of them. 当局扣押了近70 000美元和一辆豪华汽车。 Authorities seized nearly $70,000 and a luxury vehicle. 当地警察、宣传团体和州总检察长办公室合作支持受害者,收集情报供今后调查之用。 Local police, advocacy groups, and the state's Attorney General's office collaborated to support victims and gather intelligence for future investigations.