苹果释放了iOS 18.3, 并提供了重要的安全更新,以防止各种脆弱性。 Apple releases iOS 18.3 with crucial security updates to protect against various vulnerabilities.
苹果公司发布了iOS 18.3, 其中包括重要的安全更新, 以防止出现可能未经授权获取个人信息、 特权升级及拒绝服务攻击的漏洞。 Apple has released iOS 18.3, which includes important security updates to protect against vulnerabilities that could allow unauthorized access to personal information, privilege escalation, and denial-of-service attacks. 在CoreMedia、蓝牙和内核中更新修补错误等。 The update fixes bugs in CoreMedia, Bluetooth, and the kernel, among others. Apple敦促所有用户更新其设备以保持安全。 Apple urges all users to update their devices to stay secure.