在马萨诸塞州I-495发生的车祸中,两名妇女受重伤;一名被空运到一家医院。 Two women were seriously injured in a car crash on I-495 in Massachusetts; one was airlifted to a hospital.
星期日上午9时30分左右,在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯(Lawrence)南面495号州际公路发生两车撞车事故,两名妇女受重伤。 一名有生命危险的妇女被空运到波士顿一家医院,另一名被送往附近的医院。 Two women were seriously injured in a two-car crash on Interstate 495 South in Lawrence, Massachusetts, on Sunday morning around 9:30 a.m. One woman, with life-threatening injuries, was airlifted to a Boston hospital, while the other was taken to a nearby hospital. 该公路被暂时关闭,医疗直升机无法降落,交通被转移。 The highway was closed temporarily for the medical helicopter to land, and traffic was diverted. 州警方正在调查这起事件。 State police are investigating the incident.