伊丽莎白镇附近多车辆坠毁造成两名妇女重伤,导致道路关闭。 Multi-vehicle crash near Elizabeth Town leaves two women critically injured, causes road closures.
Elizabeth Town附近的Bass高速公路多车辆坠毁,造成两名妇女处于危急状况,并造成道路关闭。 A multi-vehicle crash on the Bass Highway near Elizabeth Town has left two women in critical condition and caused road closures. 这次碰撞涉及一辆Hilux,一辆大众汽车,以及一辆撞进沟渠的旅游SUV。 The collision involved a Hilux, a Volkswagen, and a tourist SUV that rolled into a ditch. 有两个人被困在残骸中 交通被转移了方向 Two people were trapped in the wreckage, and traffic has been diverted. 游客中据报有轻伤。 Minor injuries were reported among the tourists. 坠机原因正在调查中。 The cause of the crash is under investigation.