Redditch的两名毒品贩子因经营毒品供应线而被监禁7年以上。 Two drug dealers in Redditch were jailed for over seven years for operating a drug supply line.
两名在Redditch的毒贩因通过“Madz”县线供应海洛因和快克可卡因而入狱。 Two drug dealers in Redditch were jailed for supplying heroin and crack cocaine through the 'Madz' county line. 交易商Tawqeer Mahmood和Aliyan Razzak两人都是22岁的,在2024年7月警察突袭期间被捕后,总共被判7年多徒刑。 The dealers, Tawqeer Mahmood and Aliyan Razzak, both 22, received sentences totaling over seven years following their arrest during police raids in July 2024. 警察利用冲撞公羊进入地产,并承诺将毒贩赶出社区。 Police used battering rams to enter properties and expressed commitment to removing drug dealers from the community.