英国伍斯特郡的 15 公斤可卡因分销团伙“H”County Line,由 Ameeth Mudhar 领导,被判处 60 多年徒刑。 15kg cocaine distribution gang 'H' County Line in Worcestershire, UK, led by Ameeth Mudhar, sentenced to over 60 years.
联合王国伍斯特郡一个称为“H”县界线的贩毒团伙因分发15公斤可卡因而被判处60年以上徒刑。 A drug trafficking gang known as the 'H' County Line in Worcestershire, UK, has been sentenced to over 60 years in total for distributing 15kg of cocaine. 该小组由Ameeth Mudhar牵头,经营毒品销售专用电话线,对吸毒成瘾和恐惧的当地社区产生重大影响。 Led by Ameeth Mudhar, the group operated dedicated phone lines for drug sales, significantly impacting local communities with addiction and fear. Mudhar被判处14年零6个月徒刑,而其他人则被判处不同刑期。 Mudhar received 14 years and six months, while others received varying sentences. 当局赞扬了调查,并保证继续打击有组织犯罪。 Authorities praised the investigation and pledged to continue combating organized crime.