Trump的边境沙皇宣布计划每天驱逐多达1,500名无证移民。 Trump's border czar announces plans to deport up to 1,500 undocumented immigrants daily.
Trump's Bront Czar,Tom Homan,宣布计划增加每天的驱逐,目标是每天逮捕1 200至1 500人。 Trump's Border Czar, Tom Homan, announced plans for increased daily deportations, aiming for 1,200 to 1,500 arrests per day. Homan警告说,所有无证移民都是可能的驱逐目标,而不仅仅是那些有犯罪记录的人。 Homan warned that all undocumented immigrants are potential targets for deportation, not just those with criminal records. 行政当局的目标是把重点放在公共安全和国家安全威胁上,但新的逮捕配额可能导致更加不加区分的执法和对公民权利的关切。 The administration's goal is to focus on public safety and national security threats, but the new arrest quotas may lead to more indiscriminate enforcement and civil rights concerns. 尽管制定了这些计划,但Homan承认,由于成本限制,并非所有无证移民都将被清除。 Despite these plans, Homan acknowledged not all undocumented immigrants will be removed due to cost constraints.