澳大利亚Shellharbour调查一棵深爱的树可能中毒, 罚款最高达500万美元。 Shellharbour, Australia, investigates potential poisoning of a beloved eucalypt tree, with fines up to $5 million.
澳大利亚Shellharbour的居民惊恐地看到一棵深爱的受精树,这棵树数十年来一直提供树荫和吸引鸟类,显示出中毒的迹象。 Residents in Shellharbour, Australia, are alarmed after a beloved eucalypt tree, which has provided shade and attracted birds for decades, showed signs of poisoning. Shellharbour理事会正在调查可能的破坏行为,尽管原因尚未证实。 The Shellharbour Council is investigating the possible vandalism, though the cause is not yet confirmed. 如果被判定有罪,破坏者可能面临3万至500万美元的罚款。 If found guilty, the vandals could face fines from $3,000 to $5 million. 理事会敦促居民报告任何涉嫌破坏树木的可疑案件。 The council urges residents to report any suspected cases of tree vandalism.