新西兰警方突袭了三所种植房屋,查封了300个大麻植物,逮捕了三人。 New Zealand police raided three grow houses, seizing 300 cannabis plants and arresting three people.
新西兰警方查封了南奥克兰Pokeno、Runciman和Clevedon地区三所种植院的300种大麻植物,逮捕了3人。 New Zealand police seized 300 cannabis plants from three grow houses in South Auckland's Pokeno, Runciman, and Clevedon areas, arresting three individuals. 正在进行的调查旨在查明其他涉案嫌疑人。 Ongoing investigations aim to identify other suspects involved. 高级警探Simon Taylor警官强调了公众支持打击毒品网络的重要性,鼓励公民报告可疑活动。 Detective Senior Sergeant Simon Taylor highlighted the importance of public support in fighting drug networks, encouraging citizens to report suspicious activity.