巴特尔克里克 (Battle Creek) 的警校学员用上膛的枪解除了 5 岁儿童的武装;家被谴责,指控待定。 Police cadet in Battle Creek disarms 5-year-old with loaded gun; home condemned, charges pending.
战斗溪的一名警察学员解除了一名5岁少年的武装,这名5岁少年在传票送达时持有一把装上子弹的手枪。 A police cadet in Battle Creek disarmed a five-year-old holding a loaded handgun during a subpoena delivery. 最初,这名儿童用一把厨房刀对门作了回答。 Initially, the child answered the door with a kitchen knife. 在学员要求支援后,孩子带着枪回来了。 After the cadet called for backup, the child returned with the gun. 在家中发现了两名成人和五名儿童,最小的孩子被送往医院。 Two adults and five children were found in the home, with the youngest child taken to the hospital. 房屋遭到谴责,官员正在追查武器和忽视指控。 The home was condemned, and officials are pursuing weapon and neglect charges.