挪威公司赢得在奥斯陆废物变能源厂安装碳捕获系统的合同。 Norwegian firms win contract to install carbon capture system at Oslo's waste-to-energy plant.
挪威Aker Solutions公司和SLB Capturi公司赢得了在奥斯陆的Hafslund Celsio废物变能源厂安装碳捕获系统的合同。 Norwegian companies Aker Solutions and SLB Capturi have won a contract to install a carbon capture system at Hafslund Celsio's waste-to-energy plant in Oslo. 该厂计划于2029年开始,旨在每年捕获350 000公吨二氧化碳,这是挪威碳捕获和储存长途船倡议的一部分。 Scheduled to start in 2029, the plant aims to capture 350,000 metric tons of CO2 annually, part of Norway's Longship initiative for carbon capture and storage. 该项目包括一个碳捕获厂、液化系统以及将二氧化碳运输到永久储存设施。 The project includes a carbon capture plant, liquefaction system, and CO2 transportation to a permanent storage facility.