诺基亚将西班牙的ESpanix互联网交换升级为400G, 提升能力和可持续性。 Nokia upgrades Spain's ESpanix Internet Exchange to 400G, boosting capacity and sustainability.
诺基亚利用互连路由器更新了西班牙的埃斯帕尼斯互联网交换点, Nokia has upgraded ESpanix's Internet Exchange Point in Spain with the country's first 400G connectivity, using its Interconnect routers. 这一升级降低了复杂性和业务费用,同时降低了电力消耗。 This upgrade reduces complexity and operational costs while lowering power consumption. 它支持ESpanix的扩展计划,并满足对180多个联网网络(包括互联网服务提供商和内容提供者)提供高容量、可持续网络服务日益增长的需求。 It supports ESpanix's expansion plans and meets the growing demand for high-capacity, sustainable network services from over 180 connected networks, including ISPs and content providers.