Nokia将与微软的交易延伸至30多个国家的Azure供应路由器和交换器。 Nokia extends deal with Microsoft to supply routers and switches for Azure in over 30 countries.
Nokia扩大了与微软的协议范围,为Azure提供数据中心路由器和开关,从而提高全球可扩缩性和可靠性。 Nokia has extended its agreement with Microsoft to supply data center routers and switches for Azure, enhancing global scalability and reliability. 五年交易将涵盖30多个国家,包括从2月开始部署Nokia的7250 IXR-10e高速数据互联互通平台。 The five-year deal will cover over 30 countries and includes the deployment of Nokia's 7250 IXR-10e platform for high-speed data interconnectivity, starting in February. 这强化了Nokia在微软云层基础设施中的作用。 This strengthens Nokia's role in Microsoft's cloud infrastructure.