尼日利亚警方逮捕涉嫌盗窃电信设备和发现武器、毒品的嫌疑人。 Nigerian police arrest suspects for stealing telecom equipment and uncover weapons, drugs.
尼日利亚里弗斯州的警察逮捕了一名涉嫌盗窃Airtel电信设备的嫌犯,发现车上有2 000吨电源系统柜。 Police in Rivers State, Nigeria have arrested a suspect for stealing Airtel telecom equipment, finding 2,000 tons of power system cabinets in his vehicle. 在Oyigbo,又有4名嫌疑人以实弹和涉嫌毒品在Oyigbo被捕,并承认是犯罪集团的成员。 Four more suspects were arrested in Oyigbo with live ammunition and suspected drugs, admitting to being part of a criminal syndicate. 警察正在继续进行调查,寻找更多成员和武器。 The police are continuing their investigation and search for additional members and weapons.