尼日利亚警方因持械抢劫逮捕了6名尼日利亚警察,包括前科犯和青少年;并作出节日安全保证。 Nigerian police arrest six, including ex-convict and teens, for armed robbery; festive season security pledge made.
尼日利亚Bauchi州警察指挥部逮捕了6名嫌疑人,包括一名前罪犯和4名青少年,罪名是武装抢劫和共谋,追回了笔记本电脑和电话等被盗物品。 The Bauchi State Police Command in Nigeria has arrested six suspects, including an ex-convict and four teenagers, for armed robbery and conspiracy, recovering stolen items like laptops and phones. 另有一名嫌疑人因从工作场所偷窃而被捕。 An additional suspect was arrested for stealing from his workplace. 警方发誓在节日节日期间 维持治安 The police vow to maintain security during the festive season.