尼日利亚银行通过部分偿还电信公司的债务避免了USSD的关闭,但风险依然存在。 Nigerian banks averted a USSD shutdown by partially paying debts to telecoms, but risks remain.
尼日利亚银行面临USSD服务可能关闭的问题,USSD服务是农村地区银行业务的一个重要工具,因为电信公司未偿付的债务达1 600亿新元。 Nigerian banks faced a potential shutdown of USSD services, a vital tool for banking in rural areas, due to N160 billion in unpaid debts to telecom companies. 这一问题有可能扰乱金融交易和损害经济增长。 This issue threatened to disrupt financial transactions and harm economic growth. 然而,1月27日是最后期限,一些银行已经结清了债务,避免了断裂。 However, with a deadline of January 27, some banks have settled their debts, avoiding disconnection. 引起争议的原因是银行未能为每笔USSD交易支付所需的费用,这是2019年以来的一个问题。 The controversy stems from banks' failure to pay the required fees for each USSD transaction, an issue since 2019. 尽管通过了一些决议,但目前的债务危机继续对尼日利亚的金融生态系统构成风险。 Despite some resolution, the ongoing debt crisis continues to pose risks to Nigeria's financial ecosystem.