CBN 指示银行在收债前通知客户未偿债务,以确保透明度、礼貌和公平。 CBN instructs banks to notify customers of outstanding obligations before debt collection, enforcing transparency, courtesy, and fairness.
尼日利亚中央银行(CBN)已指示银行在开始收债之前向客户提供未偿债务通知。 The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has instructed banks to provide customers with notices of outstanding obligations before starting debt collection. 此举旨在确保债务追收过程透明、礼貌、公平。 This move aims to ensure that the debt recovery process is transparent, courteous, and fair. CBN发布了一份题为《修订后的消费者保护条例》的文件,概述了消费者权利并改善获得金融服务的机会。 The CBN released a document titled "Revised Consumer Protection Regulations" to outline consumer rights and improve access to financial services. 该指导方针还要求取消抵押品赎回权只能作为其他恢复选项失败后的最后手段。 The guidelines also require foreclosures to be initiated only as a last resort after other recovery options have failed.