一个全国范围的大衣驱动器,由单一的善意行为引发,为有需要的人收集冬季装备。 A nationwide coat drive, sparked by a single act of kindness, collects winter gear for those in need.
简单的善意行为引发了一场全国范围的大衣运动,以帮助有需要的人。 A simple act of kindness has sparked a nationwide coat drive to help those in need. 该倡议由一个人发起,发展迅速,鼓励全国各地社区捐赠冬季外套。 Started by a single individual, the initiative has grown rapidly, encouraging communities across the country to donate winter coats. 该运动旨在为没有适当装备的寒冷天气中的人提供温暖。 The campaign aims to provide warmth to people facing cold weather without proper gear. 各地点正在接受捐赠,组织者计划在整个冬天向收容所和个人分发外套。 Donations are being accepted at various locations, with organizers planning to distribute the coats to shelters and individuals throughout the winter.