Mount Sinai医院使用AI驱动的HYDROSTM机器人系统进行纽约市首次前列腺治疗。 Mount Sinai Hospital performs NYC's first prostate treatments using AI-driven HYDROS™ Robotic System.
纽约市Mount Sinai医院使用HYDROSTM机器人系统实施了该市的第一个程序,以治疗扩张的前列腺。 Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City has performed the city's first procedures using the HYDROS™ Robotic System to treat enlarged prostates. 这种最起码的侵入性技术利用AI进行规划,并使用无热机器人水喷射机去除前列腺组织,目的是减少诸如失禁或勃起功能障碍等并发症。 This minimally invasive technology uses AI for planning and a robotic, heat-free waterjet to remove prostate tissue, aiming to reduce complications like incontinence or erectile dysfunction. 该医院正在培训其泌尿小组,以扩大获得这一创新治疗的机会。 The hospital is training its urology team to expand access to this innovative treatment.