维多利亚皇家Jubilee医院将推出达芬奇手术机器人, Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria will introduce a Da Vinci surgical robot, funded by a $17 million campaign.
加拿大维多利亚的皇家Jubilee医院将于2月推出达芬奇手术机器人, The Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, Canada, will introduce the Da Vinci surgical robot in February, becoming the 16th hospital in the country to use the technology. 机器人装有四只手臂 一个小相机和工具 来增强精确度和控制力 The robot features four arms with a tiny camera and tools to enhance precision and control. 最初用于泌尿外科手术,将扩大到一般、妇科、肿瘤和胸腔外科手术。 Initially used for urology surgeries, it will expand to general, gynaecology, oncology, and thoracic surgeries. 维多利亚医院基金会通过一场1 700万美元的运动为机器人供资,从2 100个捐助者那里筹集了1 100万美元。 The Victoria Hospitals Foundation funded the robot through a $17 million campaign, raising $11 million so far from 2,100 donors. 其余资金将支持其他创新的外科手术技术。 The remaining funds will support other innovative surgical technologies.