狱友John Nigh逃离Craven县监狱,在帮助下进行了多机构搜索。 Inmate John Nigh escaped Craven County Jail with help, prompting a multi-agency search.
一名囚犯John Matthew Nigh 在他的狱友的帮助下从克雷文县监狱逃脱。 An inmate, John Matthew Nigh, escaped from the Craven County Jail with help from his cellmates. 他们拆除了天花板盖以进入屋顶,而狱友们通过塞一个床垫来模仿Nigh的出现来掩盖Nigh的缺席。 They removed a ceiling grating to access the roof, and the cellmates hid Nigh's absence by stuffing a mattress to mimic his presence. Nigh 是一名 6 英尺 2 英寸的白人男性,有纹身,此前曾因向议员开枪而被捕。 Nigh, a 6'2" white male with tattoos, was previously arrested for shooting at deputies. 当局认为他很危险 当地和联邦机构正在进行搜查 Authorities consider him dangerous, and a search involving local and federal agencies is underway. 任何有情报的人 都应该联系克雷文郡治安官办公室 Anyone with information should contact the Craven County Sheriff's Office.