印度男子Siddharth和希腊女子Penelope在Maha Kumbh节与传统的Vedic仪式结为夫妻。 Indian man Siddharth and Greek woman Penelope married at the Maha Kumbh festival with traditional Vedic rituals.
印度男子Siddharth和希腊女子Penelope在北方邦Prajagraj的Maha Kumbh节期间, 选择与传统的Vedic仪式结婚, Indian man Siddharth and Greek woman Penelope tied the knot during the Maha Kumbh festival in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, choosing to perform their marriage with traditional Vedic rituals. 斯瓦米·亚廷德拉南德·吉里和家人主持了这一被认为具有高度真实性和精神意义的仪式。 The ceremony, considered highly authentic and spiritual, was conducted by Swami Yatindranand Giri and family. Penelope接受她的新文化, 寻找“魔法”的经验, 而两者都认为他们的结合是希腊和印度遗产的混合体。 Penelope embraced her new culture, finding the experience "magical," while both see their union as a blend of their Greek and Indian heritage.