两名印度妇女逃离虐待,在Shiva寺庙结了婚,共同开始了新的生活。 Two Indian women, fleeing abuse, married each other at a Shiva Temple, starting a new life together.
来自印度Gorakhpur的两名妇女在Deoria的Shiva寺庙结了婚,逃离虐待她们的酗酒丈夫。 Two women from Gorakhpur, India, married each other at a Shiva Temple in Deoria, fleeing their abusive, alcoholic husbands. Kavita和Gunja在Instagram相遇, 分享他们的斗争, 决定共同开始新的生活。 Kavita and Gunja met on Instagram, shared their struggles, and decided to start a new life together. 在离开寺租房和在戈拉克普尔工作之前, 他们进行了传统的印度婚礼仪式, They performed traditional Hindu wedding rituals, including garland exchange and sindoor application, before leaving the temple to rent a room and work in Gorakhpur.