作为正在进行的移民执法活动的一部分,ICE在得克萨斯州奥斯汀进行突袭。 ICE conducts raids in Austin, Texas, as part of ongoing immigration enforcement activities.
根据缉毒局和当地新闻机构的报道,ICE在得克萨斯州奥斯汀开展了执法行动和突袭行动。 ICE has conducted enforcement operations and raids in Austin, Texas, as reported by the DEA and local news outlets. 这些业务是该地区正在进行的移民执法活动的一部分。 The operations are part of ongoing immigration enforcement activities in the area. 没有提供关于袭击具体目标和结果的详细情况。 Details about the specific targets and outcomes of the raids are not provided.