8 名涉嫌与 ISIS 有关联的塔吉克斯坦国民于 2023 年进入美国,在费城、纽约和洛杉矶的协同突袭中被捕。 8 suspected ISIS-linked Tajik nationals, who entered the US in 2023, were arrested in coordinated raids in Philadelphia, New York, and Los Angeles.
在费城、纽约和洛杉矶的协同突袭行动中,8 名涉嫌与 ISIS 有关联的塔吉克斯坦国民被捕。 8 suspected ISIS-linked Tajik nationals have been arrested in coordinated raids in Philadelphia, New York, and Los Angeles. 所有嫌疑人均于 2023 年越过南部边境进入美国,入境时并未出现任何国家安全问题。 All suspects had crossed the southern border into the US in 2023, with no initial national security concerns raised during their entry. 但随后的信息表明该组织与该恐怖组织存在潜在联系。 However, subsequent information indicated potential ties to the terrorist group. 此次逮捕行动是多机构联合反恐特遣部队行动的结果,参与人员包括美国移民和海关执法局 (ICE) 和美国联邦调查局。 The arrests were a result of a multi-agency Joint Terrorism Task Force operation, involving US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the FBI.