国土安全官员正在访问纽约市地区的锡克寺庙,寻找无证移民,这引起了人们对信仰的担忧。 Homeland Security officials are visiting Sikh temples in NYC area to look for undocumented immigrants, sparking faith concerns.
美国国土安全官员正在访问纽约和新泽西的锡克族Gurdwaras, 检查无证移民, US Homeland Security officials are visiting Sikh gurdwaras in New York and New Jersey to check for undocumented immigrants, following the Trump administration's decision to rescind guidelines that protected sensitive areas like places of worship from such enforcement actions. 锡克教组织认为这一举动威胁到其信仰的神圣性,并可能导致社区内部的不信任。 Sikh organizations argue this move threatens the sanctity of their faith and could lead to distrust within communities.