95岁的大屠杀幸存者Renee Salt在大屠杀纪念日之前分享了卑尔根-贝尔森的惨痛经历。 Holocaust survivor Renee Salt, 95, shares harrowing experiences from Bergen-Belsen ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day.
95岁的大屠杀幸存者Renee Salt描述她在卑尔根-贝尔森的经历比奥斯威辛更糟糕,那里的人被带去“坐着等待死亡”。 Holocaust survivor Renee Salt, 95, described her experience at Bergen-Belsen as worse than Auschwitz, where people were brought to "sit and wait to die." Salt强调,必须分享她的故事,防止大屠杀被遗忘,并开展反对仇恨的教育。 Salt emphasized the importance of sharing her story to prevent the Holocaust from being forgotten and to educate against hatred. 她和帮助解放难民营的已故丈夫直到最近才讨论过他们的经历。 She and her late husband, who helped liberate the camp, did not discuss their experiences until recently. 这个故事发生在第80个大屠杀纪念日之前。 The story comes ahead of the 80th Holocaust Memorial Day.