大屠杀火车司机的后代与受害者的曾孙女儿会面,以寻求情感和解。 Descendant of a Holocaust train driver meets great-granddaughter of victim for emotional reconciliation.
大屠杀火车司机的孙女和大屠杀受害者的曾孙女会面,讨论他们的家庭历史。 The granddaughter of a Holocaust train driver and the great-granddaughter of a Holocaust victim met to discuss their family histories. Cornelia Stieler的祖父将犹太人送到奥斯威辛, 她成了一名家庭治疗师, 来理解他的行为。 Cornelia Stieler's grandfather transported Jews to Auschwitz, and she became a family therapist to understand his actions. 她的研究在她的家乡Schönwald造成紧张,有些人仍然拒绝承认该村在大屠杀中所起的作用。 Her research caused tension in her hometown, Schönwald, where some still resist acknowledging the village's role in the Holocaust. 尽管情绪困难,但会议导致相互理解。 Despite the difficult emotions, the meeting led to mutual understanding.