伊利诺伊州市长Tiffany Henyard Dolton因拖延当地餐馆的酒类许可证而被藐视法庭。 Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard held in contempt for delaying liquor licenses to a local restaurant.
Dolton, 伊利诺伊州市长Tiffany Henyard被裁定藐视法庭,因为据称拖延了圣帕特里克的酒类许可证,这是一家当地的餐馆和宴会厅。 Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard was found in contempt of court for allegedly delaying liquor licenses for St. Patrick's, a local restaurant and banquet hall. 8月,所有者起诉Henyard,声称她承诺签署许可证,但没有执行。 The owners sued Henyard in August, claiming she promised to sign the licenses but did not follow through. 尽管在藐视法庭裁决后签署了三项许可证中的两项,Henyard错过了最后期限,没有直接回答法官的问题,导致库克州Cecilia Horan法官对她提出藐视法庭指控。 Despite signing two of the three licenses after the contempt ruling, Henyard missed a deadline and did not directly answer the judge's questions, leading Cook County Judge Cecilia Horan to hold her in contempt.