Claremore机场机库的火灾伤害了所有者,损坏了飞机和一架直升机。 Claremore airport hangar fire injures owner, damages planes and a helicopter.
星期一上午,克拉雷莫尔地区机场的一辆机库着火,两名车主中的一人被送往医院,伤势不明。 On Monday morning, a hangar at Claremore Regional Airport caught fire, injuring one of the two owners who were taken to the hospital with unspecified injuries. 消防员于上午4时作出反应,发现机库被完全吞没,他们设法扑灭了火。 Firefighters responded at 4 a.m. to find the hangar fully engulfed, and they managed to extinguish the fire. 机库内的两架飞机和一架直升机受损。 Two planes and a helicopter inside the hangar were damaged. 俄克拉荷马州消防局局长正在协助调查。 The Oklahoma State Fire Marshal is assisting with the investigation.