在安大略省德里的一家儿童商店,其商店规模翻了一番,并在一个大重新开放的地方增加了一家咖啡店。 A children's boutique in Delhi, Ontario, doubled its store size and added a coffee shop in a grand reopening.
安大略德里的一家婴儿和儿童商店已迁至蒙特利尔银行旧大楼的更大空间,从以前在主圣三号公路和第三号公路的地点扩建。 A baby and children's boutique store in Delhi, Ontario, has moved to a larger space in the old Bank of Montreal building, expanding from its previous location at Main St. and Highway 3. 现在两倍于2 300平方英尺的面积, 商店包括一个新的小豆咖啡和烘烤店。 Now double the size at 2,300 square feet, the store includes a new Little Bean coffee and bake shop. Victoria Asnong所有者及其团队于1月18日庆祝盛大开幕, 目的是吸引新顾客。 Owner Victoria Asnong and her team celebrated the grand opening on January 18, aiming to attract new customers.