加拿大皇家牛奶公司在安大略省金斯敦开设了婴儿配方奶制品制造设施,有160名雇员。 Canada Royal Milk opens infant formula manufacturing facility in Kingston, Ontario, with 160 employees.
加拿大皇家牛奶公司在安大略省金斯敦开设了加拿大第一个婴儿配方奶制制造设施,雇用了160多名工人。 Canada Royal Milk has opened Canada's first infant formula manufacturing facility in Kingston, Ontario, employing over 160 workers. 这320,000平方英尺的工厂已经获得管制批准,可以生产第一个产品,Niuriss,预计下个月将进入仓库。 The 320,000-square-foot plant has received regulatory approval to produce its first product, Niuriss, expected to hit stores next month. 公司还向当地慈善机构捐赠了1万美元和5000奶粉, Additionally, the company donated $10,000 and 5,000 cans of formula to a local charity, highlighting its commitment to community support.