玻利维亚的一起公共汽车事故造成19人死亡,其中包括儿童,这凸显了该国危险的道路状况。 A bus accident in Bolivia killed 19, including children, highlighting the country's dangerous road conditions.
在星期天玻利维亚波托西省发生的一起悲剧性事故中,一辆从拉巴斯到维拉松的超速公共汽车被推翻,造成19人死亡,其中包括两名儿童,另有9人受伤。 In a tragic accident in Bolivia's Potosi department on Sunday, a speeding bus from La Paz to Villazon overturned, killing 19 people, including two children, and injuring nine others. 司机因涉嫌危险驾驶而被逮捕。 The driver was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving. 玻利维亚的山地道路十分危险, 每年约有1,400人死亡。 Bolivia's mountainous roads are notoriously dangerous, with about 1,400 annual fatalities in the country.