玻利维亚西南部一辆小型巴士与一辆盐拖车迎头相撞,造成 14 人死亡,2 人受伤;疑似司机疲劳驾驶。 14 killed, 2 injured in head-on collision between minibus and salt tractor-trailer in southwest Bolivia; suspected driver fatigue.
在玻利维亚西南部,一辆小型巴士与一辆运送盐的拖车迎头相撞,造成 14 人死亡,2 人受伤。 14 people were killed and two injured in a head-on collision between a minibus and a tractor-trailer transporting salt in southwest Bolivia. 事故发生在连接奥鲁罗省和波托西省的一条高速公路上,拖车司机疑似因疲劳睡着了,从而导致了碰撞。 The accident occurred on a highway linking Oruro and Potosi departments, with the tractor-trailer driver suspected to have fallen asleep due to fatigue, causing the collision. 由于幸存者伤势严重,死亡人数可能还会上升。 The death toll may rise due to critically injured survivors.