阿塞拜疆总统修改经济政策,取代稳定委员会,扩大副首相的作用。 Azerbaijani president amends economic policy, replacing the Stability Council and expanding Deputy PM's role.
阿塞拜疆总统伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫发布了一项新法令,修改阿塞拜疆的经济政策框架,取消2016年的命令,以新的结构取代稳定委员会。 Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has issued a new decree that amends the country's economic policy framework, canceling a 2016 order and replacing the Stability Council with a new structure. 副总理萨米尔·谢里福夫被任命为经济理事会成员,扩大了他在政府中的作用。 Deputy Prime Minister Samir Sharifov has been appointed to the Economic Council, expanding his role in government. 部长内阁负责落实这些变革。 The Cabinet of Ministers is responsible for implementing these changes.