澳大利亚银行批评Meta的诈骗行为, Australian banks criticize Meta for scams, push for anti-scam laws with big fines.
澳大利亚银行,包括英联邦银行和Westpac,批评Meta(脸书的母公司)允许在其平台上进行骗局,包括洗钱。 Australian banks, including Commonwealth Bank and Westpac, criticize Meta (Facebook's parent company) for allowing scams on its platforms, including money laundering. 他们向议会就拟议的反诈骗法的调查提交了诈骗活动的证据,该法可能会因未能防止诈骗的公司而被处以最高 5000 万美元的罚款。 They submitted evidence of scam activities to a parliamentary inquiry on proposed anti-scam laws that could fine companies up to $50 million for failing to prevent scams. 然而,技术游说团体DIGI认为,银行只应退还骗局受害者。 However, DIGI, a tech lobby group, argues that banks should solely refund scam victims.