加州大学洛杉矶分校体操协会的得分超过197分,击败伊利诺伊州,由Chae Campbell领导球队。 UCLA gymnastics extended their scoring streak over 197, defeating Illinois with Chae Campbell leading the team.
加州大学洛杉矶分校体操协会击败伊利诺伊州,得分为197.200-194.700, 其分数超过197次连续三场。 UCLA gymnastics defeated Illinois with a score of 197.200-194.700, extending their streak of scoring over 197 to three consecutive meets. Chae Campbell带领小组取得了39.400美元的强劲得分,金库上有一个9.925人突出显示了这一点。 Chae Campbell led the team with a strong all-around score of 39.400, highlighted by a 9.925 on the vault. 尽管最初在平衡波束上有些争斗,但小组的经验帮助赢得了胜利,其标志是令人印象深刻的地板例行作业和在金库上一个高赛季的团队分数。 Despite some initial struggles on the balance beam, the team's experience helped secure the win, marked by impressive floor routines and a season-high team score on vault.