加州大学洛杉矶分校女子篮球队 绕过Nebraska 91 -54, 标志着Cori Close教练的第300次胜利。 UCLA's women's basketball team routed Nebraska 91-54, marking coach Cori Close's 300th win.
排名第一的加州大学洛杉矶分校女子篮球队以91-54的比分赢得了内布拉斯加州的首场比赛. Top-ranked UCLA's women's basketball team dominated Nebraska, winning 91-54 in their Big Ten home opener. Lauren Betts以21分领导加州大学洛杉矶分校,Kiki Rice增加了18分。 Lauren Betts led UCLA with 21 points, and Kiki Rice added 18. 布鲁恩队在下半场以54比24击败内布拉斯加, 在第三节特别出色. The Bruins outscored Nebraska 54-24 in the second half, particularly excelling in the third quarter. 加州大学洛杉矶分校教练Cori Clori Close 赢得了第300场球队的冠军 现在全队13比0 和2比0在会议比赛中获胜 UCLA coach Cori Close secured her 300th win with the team, now 13-0 overall and 2-0 in conference play. 内布拉斯加州在十大联盟中下滑到 10-3 和 1-1,将面对 No. Nebraska, slipping to 10-3 and 1-1 in the Big Ten, will face No. 4 USC在星期三。 4 USC on Wednesday.