两名幼儿在两天内分别被澳洲野狗咬伤,促使当局发出安全警告。 Two toddlers were separately bitten by dingoes over two days, prompting safety warnings from authorities.
两天内, 两岁的孩子在不同的事件中被丁哥咬伤. In a span of two days, two-year-old children were bitten by dingoes in separate incidents. 这些袭击凸显出野狗的安全关切,特别是在野狗经常与人类接触的地区。 The attacks highlight safety concerns regarding the wild dogs, especially in areas where they frequently interact with humans. 当局正在提醒来访者和当地人要谨慎,不要接近动物。 Authorities are reminding visitors and locals to be cautious and avoid approaching the animals.