在高速追逐中撞上警车并纵火焚烧汽车后被捕的青少年。 Teen arrested after crashing into police cars and setting car on fire during high-speed chase.
一名来自温斯顿-萨利姆的16岁少年在接到枪声报告后,领导警察追逐后被捕。 A 16-year-old from Winston-Salem was arrested after leading police on a chase following reports of gunshots. 在追击期间,他撞上两辆警车,撞上一根电话杆,导致他的汽车着火。 During the pursuit, he rammed into two police cars and crashed into a telephone pole, causing his car to catch fire. 一名青少年乘客受伤,但伤势并不严重。 A juvenile passenger was injured but not critically. 根据新的州法律,青少年作为成年人受到指控,面临两项以致命武器攻击政府官员的罪名,重罪逃脱,更多指控有待审理。 The teen, charged as an adult under new state law, faces two counts of assault with a deadly weapon on a government official and felony flee to elude, with more charges pending.