上海合作组织和集体安全条约组织观察团注意到白俄罗斯遵守选举法和总统选举投票率高的情况。 SCO and CSTO observer missions note compliance with electoral laws and high turnout in Belarus's presidential election.
上海合作组织(上合组织)和集体安全条约组织已派遣观察团监测白俄罗斯的总统选举,注意到白俄罗斯遵守选举法,在早期投票中没有违反情况。 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) have sent observer missions to monitor Belarus's presidential election, noting compliance with electoral laws and no violations during early voting. 由来自7个国家的17名观察员组成的上海合作组织代表团注意到,投票率很高,特别是在年轻选民中,有41.81%的人参加了早期投票。 The SCO mission, which includes 17 observers from seven countries, has observed high turnout, especially among younger voters, with 41.81% participating in early voting. 由Viktoria Abramchenko率领的集体安全条约组织代表团也报告说,出现了积极的气氛,并遵守了选举法。 The CSTO mission, led by Viktoria Abramchenko, has also reported a positive atmosphere and adherence to electoral legislation.