旁遮普邦警察逮捕了与Goldy Brar团伙有联系的Vishal Khan,原因是发生了一起枪击事件;缴获了武器。 Punjab Police arrested Vishal Khan, linked to Goldy Brar's gang, over a shooting incident; weapons seized.
旁遮普邦警察逮捕了Lawrence Bishnoi和Goldy Brar团伙的同伙Mehfuj alias Vishal Khan,他涉嫌在Dera Bassi发生枪击事件。 Punjab Police arrested Mehfuj alias Vishal Khan, an associate of the Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar gang, in connection with a firing incident in Dera Bassi. 从他身上还发现了一支32口径手枪和五发子弹。 A .32 calibre pistol and five cartridges were also recovered from him. 据报告,Khan和另一名帮派成员Manjeet是这一事件的主谋。 Khan and another gang member, Manjeet, were reportedly the masterminds behind the incident. Khan有犯罪历史,自2023年以来一直在外国恐怖分子Goldy Brar手下工作。 Khan has a criminal history and has been working under foreign-based terrorist Goldy Brar since 2023.