菲律宾为增加投资的项目(主要是可再生能源项目)认证了84B美元。 Philippines certifies $84B in projects, mostly in renewable energy, to boost investments.
菲律宾投资委员会(BOI)在其“绿色通道”系统下认证了179个项目,价值4.552万亿P,加快了战略投资许可。 The Philippine Board of Investments (BOI) has certified 179 projects worth P4.552 trillion under its "green lane" system, which expedites permits for strategic investments. 大部分价值4.15万亿P的144个项目是可再生能源项目,数字基础设施和粮食安全项目也包括在内。 The majority, 144 projects worth P4.15 trillion, are in renewable energy, with digital infrastructure and food security projects also included. 这项举措旨在通过简化批准程序,使菲律宾更能吸引投资。 This initiative aims to make the Philippines more appealing for investments by simplifying the approval process.