菲律宾环境局批准115个绿道项目,包括13个可再生能源项目,价值210.46B比索。 Philippine BOI approves 115 Green Lane projects, including 13 renewable energy projects worth P210.46B.
菲律宾投资委员会根据其绿道倡议批准了115个项目,共计3 204万亿菲律宾比索。 The Philippine Board of Investments (BOI) has approved 115 projects under its Green Lane initiative, totaling P3.204 trillion. 其中包括13个可再生能源项目,价值211.46亿比索,包括太阳能和陆上/沿海风力举措。 Among these are 13 renewable energy projects valued at P210.46 billion, including solar and onshore/offshore wind initiatives. Green Lane旨在简化战略投资的批准程序,尤其是通过拉古纳的A-FLOW Property的36MW数据中心等项目加强数字基础设施。 The Green Lane aims to streamline the approval process for strategic investments, notably enhancing digital infrastructure with projects like A-FLOW Properties' 36-MW Data Center in Laguna.