超过44%的中国年轻人为了额外收入和事业探索而背井离乡。 Over 44% of young Chinese are taking on side hustles for extra income and career exploration.
中华年轻人越来越多地转而兜圈子,使其收入多样化并探索新的职业机会。 Young Chinese are increasingly turning to side hustles to diversify their income and explore new career opportunities. 36Kr的一项调查显示,44.7%的年轻人从事边干边干,其中一半以上表示有兴趣。 According to a survey by 36Kr, 44.7% of young people are engaged in side hustles, with over half showing interest. 这些附带工作往往是在线和低风险的,不仅提供经济效益,而且提供个人实现和创新。 These side jobs are often online and low-risk, offering not just financial benefits but also personal fulfillment and innovation.