旧的Kasheli Creek桥有中位塌陷,但仍被视为安全;新桥预定在6月之前更换。 Old Kasheli Creek bridge had a median collapse, but is still deemed safe; a new bridge is set to replace it by June.
孟买-纳希克高速公路上的老Kasheli Creek桥最近出现中位倒塌, The old Kasheli Creek bridge on the Mumbai-Nashik Expressway saw a median collapse recently, but officials assure it remains safe for use. 正在建造一座新桥梁,定于6月竣工,老桥将随后修复。 A new bridge is under construction and set for completion in June, with the old bridge to be repaired afterward. 该项目是Samruddhi Mahamarg倡议的一部分,目的是改善孟买与纳希克之间的交通流量。 The project is part of the Samruddhi Mahamarg initiative to improve traffic flow between Mumbai and Nashik.