纽曼基金会邀请各公司将所有利润捐给慈善事业, 自2018年以来捐赠了600万澳元。 Newman's Own Foundation invites companies to commit all profits to charity, donating $600M since 2018.
Newman的自营基金会由Paul Newman发起, 邀请各公司加入「百分之百用于目的俱乐部」, 将所有利润投入慈善事业。 Newman's Own Foundation, started by Paul Newman, invites companies to join its "100% for Purpose Club," committing all profits to charity. 该基金会自成立以来已捐助6亿美元用于各种事业,主要是造福儿童。 The foundation has donated $600 million to causes, mostly benefiting children, since its inception. 《慈善企业法》于2018年通过,允许基金会拥有将所有利润捐给慈善事业的公司,支持这一模式的扩展。 Passed in 2018, the Philanthropic Enterprise Act allows foundations to own companies that donate all profits to charity, supporting this model's expansion.