劳伦森大学 (Laurentian University) 由 Rachel Prudhomme 和 Ryan Minor 博士领导,增加了治理专业知识。 Laurentian University boosts board with Rachel Prudhomme and Dr. Ryan Minor, adding governance expertise.
洛朗扬大学将Rachel Prudhomme和Ryan Minor博士加入董事会。 Laurentian University has added Rachel Prudhomme and Dr. Ryan Minor to its board of governors. 普鲁东是一位劳伦特校友,在工程、教育和市政领导方面有经验。 Prudhomme, a Laurentian alumnus, has experience in engineering, education, and municipal leadership. 也是一名校友的未成年人是加拿大特许专业会计师税务主任,并拥有法律博士学位。 Minor, also an alumnus, is the director of tax at Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada and has a PhD in law. 两者都带来了广泛的治理经验,加强了董事会维护大学的使命和价值观的能力。 Both bring extensive governance experience, strengthening the board's ability to uphold the university's mission and values.