WSU学生Kassandra Vogel被任命为执政官委员会成员,旨在代表学生的意见。 WSU student Kassandra Vogel appointed to Board of Regents, aiming to represent student views.
卡桑德拉·沃格尔(Kassandra Vogel),WSU应用经济学的研究生,最近担任英语和经济学双重大修,被任命担任大学摄政委员会成员,代表学生,任期一年。 Kassandra Vogel, a WSU applied economics graduate student and recent English and economics double major, has been appointed to a one-year term on the university's Board of Regents, representing students. Vogel旨在提高对学生执政地位的认识,并将学生观点纳入决策。 Vogel aims to increase awareness of the student regent position and bring student perspectives to board decisions. 温哥华本地人,她以前在WSU Creamery、招生办公室和各种研究实验室工作。 A Vancouver native, she previously worked at the WSU Creamery, Office of Admissions, and various research labs.